May Region 5 NBA Report
Region 5 Letter Carrier Heroes
Letter Carrier Ricky Martin, branch 2327 Canton, MO received a commendation letter from President Renfroe for taking action to assist a customer on his route. Martin came to the aid of a customer in distress, called 911 and waited with the customer until emergency responders arrived at the scene. The branch will be presenting Renfroe’s letter to Mr. Martin in appreciation of his efforts.
DRT Issue Update
Since last month’s article we have undertaken a number of initiatives designed to reduce the backlog of cases at Step B and pending Arbitration. We have a substantial backlog of cases at the Step B level and the Arbitration level of the Article 15 process. Both DRT offices have an approximate backlog of 500 cases each. We currently have just over 500 cases pending arbitration at the NBA office as well. Pre-Arbitration sessions with the service at the headquarters level have begun to take place and we are having some success in resolving and reducing disputes at both levels of the Article 15 process. We still have significant work to do to get those backlogs down to a manageable level. As I advised the carriers in attendance at the Nebraska, Kansas and Iowa State Trainings what I will not do is settle just to reduce the backlog. I will not agree to going backwards on settlements.
Region 5 State Trainings
We just recently finished with the last State Trainings this spring. We visited Nebraska, Kansas, and Iowa in our spring tour. The Region 5 office provided training on OWCP, branch officer responsibilities, Informal A through Formal A case file building, legislation and LMOU negotiations. Thanks to all the state associations for taking care of the training and hotel rooms, audio visual needs and assistance with training. It was great seeing all of you and we look forward to seeing you at the National Convention or fall training.
Region 5 Training
As promised, we will begin our Basic Steward College training June 2-4 at the St. Louis, MO branch 343 union hall. We will accept up to 30 individuals for this training. Hotels, travel, food etc. are at the expense of the branch. If you would like to attend, please send any of us at the NBA office an email and we will consider you first come first served, after slots are filled by the host branch. The training will cover basic steward rights and responsibilities and the Article 15 process in depth. Attendees should expect to participate in class and work hard. This will be a fast-paced class and attendee participation is required. We will begin class on Sunday at noon and conclude no later than 3pm on Tuesday. If flying in schedule departing flights no earlier than 5:30 pm on Tuesday.
We will also be providing basic steward training as well as some branch officer training virtually beginning later in June. This training is a repeat of the training RGA Margaret Parker has provided in the past and is intended for new stewards or those thinking of becoming a steward. This will be in addition to the Stewards College training mentioned above. The format and curriculum will be different for each of these training courses. Virtual training will not be as in-depth as the in-person training and is conducted for approximately two hours each night over a four-week period.
Once the contract is settled the NBA office will conduct an additional round of LMOU training virtually to assist branches with securing better benefits for their members or in creating an LMOU for branches that do not have one.
Preliminary indications are that we will have the Region 5 Rap Session at the same hotel in Kansas City and we will probably be at the same rate of $126.00 a night plus tax. We intend to add a day of training on Friday to include much more in-depth branch officer training as well as OWCP and basic steward training that will allow us to amend our schedule for Saturday. More information will be forthcoming soon.
David A. Teegarden
National Business Agent